Higazi Mohammed Ahmed Abdallah Awad

تحميل السيرة الذاتية

Personal Data:-

Family name :- Awad

Name: Higazi Mohammed Ahmed Abdallah Awad           

Date of birth:  1/2/1977

Place of Birth:  NYALA—South  Darfur State-Sudan

Nationality :      Sudanese

Sex:                    Male

Marital status: married 2009  – four daughter ( Remaz – Tebian – Reem-Tasneem        )

Religion:    Muslim

Current Address: Faculty of nursing science –Shendi University.P.0.Box 10,142 Sudan.

Phone (Office):  00249-0118679679 , 00249-0918543046

Permanent Home Address:

           – Elfahser – Bringia – west Altemanat Graves

Mobile: 00249-0918543046

Email (1) higazi124@yahoo.com  

Email (2) higazi_awad@ush.sd

Email (3) higaziahmed@gmail.com


                  Arabic:   Excellent Speaking & writing

                     English: Very good speaking & writing

Title: – Associate professor of medical surgical nursing

Current position:- Dean faculty of nursing science – Shendi university

  • Education:-

–  2008-2012 Ph D in Nursing sciences (Medical – Surgical Nursing ) Faculty of graduate collage and scientific research –Shendi University -River Nile state- Sudan

-2004-2007 Master in Nursing sciences (Medical – Surgical Nursing ) Khartoum University –Sudan-Faculty of  Nursing Sciences

-1998-2002 B.Sc in Nursing Sciences from Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences –Shendi University -River Nile state. -Grade: First Class.

-2002Registration of Council for Afiled Health Professions- Khartoum..

-1996-1997 Certificate of English Language Courses-Comboni School Sudan-Elfasher- Grade: V. good

-1994-1997 Sudanese Certification from El Orooba high secondary school

-1991-1993 Elgeel  Intermediate School –Elfasher–North Darfour State.

-1984-1990 Hai El gaadi  Primary School –Elfasher–North Darfour State.

  • Training courses:-
  • 2005 Research Methodology Work shop – Shendi University-Sudan.
  • 2005 Teaching Methods Course- Shendi University-Sudan.
  • 2006 Computer Skills Course- Shendi University-Sudan.

Educational Activities:

  • Responsible for teaching the doctorate nursing candidate
  • Responsible for supervision of doctorate nursing candidate
  • Responsible for teaching the curriculum of Nursing ethics
  • Responsible for teaching the curriculum of Education
  • Responsible for teaching the curriculum of nursing research
  • Responsible for observation and training of  post graduate Nurses candidate,
  • Supervision of post graduate Nurses candidate, complementary researches
  • Responsible for teaching the curriculum of Medical Surgical Nursing


  • Undergraduate

    • Responsible for teaching the curriculum of Medicine for Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, to undergraduate, Shendi University since 2002 till now.
    • Responsible for teaching the curriculum of critical care of medical condtion of adult to undergraduate, Faculty of Nursing, Shendi University since 2007till now.
  • Responsible for teaching the curriculum of Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, to undergraduate, Shendi University since 2002 till now.
  • Responsible for teaching the curriculum of basic nursing skills to undergraduate, Faculty of Nursing, Shendi University since 2002 till now.
  • Responsible for teaching the curriculum of critical care of surgical condition of adult to undergraduate, Faculty of Nursing, Shendi University since 2007till now.
  • Responsible for teaching the curriculum of first aid , Faculty of Nursing, to undergraduate, Shendi University since 2002 till now.
  • Responsible for teaching the curriculum of adult nursing emergency to undergraduate, Faculty of Nursing, Shendi University since 2007 till now.
  • Have experience in teaching Nursing Education, Nursing Research and Community Nursing.
  • Supervision of undergraduate complimentery researches.


  • Workshop on research methodology held on 15th -17th May 2008. Shendi University-Sudan
  • Workshop on evidenced based medicine held on 19th June 2007. Shendi University-Sudan
  • Workshop on MCQs, ASQs, & EMQs held on 18th June 2007. Shendi University-Sudan
  • Workshop on the introduction of Rational Drug Use in medical school curricula from 11 – 13 December 2007 – Khartoum. By Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research , General Directorate of Pharmacology , Federal Ministry of Health  , and WHO
  • Attended workshop about preparing & Conducting an OSCE, shendi university 4-5 June 2009.
  • Attended workshop about Computer – Assissted Assessment, shendi university 24-26 March2009.
  • Attended workshop about Research Proposal shendi university 14 March2010.
  • Attended workshop about Quality assurance & accreditation, shendi university 13 March2010.
  • Attended the scientific day “ utilization of nursing research in Jordan held in Zaytoonah university may 2014
  • Attended the work placed – based assessment tools for clinical teaching and assessment – held by collage on nursing – Riyadh- King Saud Bin Abdulaziz university for health science April 2014
  • Attended workshop about planning, evaluation of strategic planning in high educational institutes, ministry of high education October 2015. .
  • Attended workshop about accreditation of high educational institutes, ministry of high education October 2015.
  • Attended workshop about strategic planning in high educational institutes, Shendi University 14-16 November 2015.
  • Attended workshop about the art of the university administration and leadership, Shendi University 20-23 January 2016.
  • Attended workshop about the formulation of student learning outcomes and the method of evaluation in the Sixth International Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education, which was held in Sudan University of Science and Technology –9-11 February 2016. Sudan
  • Attended workshop about the quality of graduate studies program in the Sixth International Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education, which was held in Sudan University of Science and Technology –9-11 February 2016. Sudan
  • Attended workshop about accreditation quality standards for higher education institutions, which was held in Sudan University of Science and Technology –1st -3rd October 2016. Sudan
  • Attended workshop of assessment and evaluation program , which was held in Sudan medical specialization board and the educational development center  –23rd  September   Sudan

Conferences :-

  • Attended the 2nd scientific conference of the Sudanese association of schools of medicine & health sciences SASMHS which took place at Elrazi Medical College  Khartoum – SUDAN 31-07-2010.
  • Attended the 14th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholar (EAFONS) which took place at SEOUL PLYMIC PARKTEL HOTEL – Seoul – South Korea from (11th to12th February 2011).
  • Attended the 8th annual international scientific conference of UMST jointly with the 3rd scientific conference of scientific society of Arab Nursing Faculties on quality nursing education and servers Held in KHARTOUM – SUDAN 20-22 December 2011 .
  • Attended the 1st scientific health professional forum & 3rd Annual scientific Nursing Meeting .from 16-18 December 2012.At collage of Applied Medical Science –King Abd ELAZIZ University – Muhayil Asir . Sudia Arabia.
  • Attended the 4th research day. From 14&5 April 2014. At collage of nursing science- king Saud bin Abdul-Aziz University for health sciences Riyadh. Sudia Arabia
  • Attended the 6th annual conference of medical &health sciences studies Held in period 18 February 2015, university of Khartoum –Sudan.
  • Attended the 5th scientific conference of scientific society of Arab Nursing Faculties & the 1st conference of faculty of nursing science , university of Khartoum ,Khartoum Sudan 2-3 December 2015
  • Attended the 6th International Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education, which was held in Sudan University of Science and Technology –9-11 February 2016 –Sudan

Volunteer Experience:-

August 2002-Septemper 2003 Teaching Assistant- At Department of High Nursing- Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences –Shendi University.

– Participate in workshop held at ELMEK NIMR UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL & SHENDI TEACHING HOSPITAL about application of international infection control protocol 2007.

– Participate in workshop held at ELMEK NIMR UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL & SHENDI TEACHING HOSPITAL about development of staff skills.2007.

– Participate in workshop held at ELMEK NIMR UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL & SHENDI TEACHING HOSPITAL about care maintenance .2009.

– Participate in workshop held at Shendi university about community development leader by faculty of nursing in collaboration with Nile petroleum company 2011-2012.


  • 2015-2017 – Quality management @self-evaluation director of the shendi university
  • From December 2015 science now associate professor
  • Head member of strategic planning committee –Shendi university
  • From January 2012 -2015 assistant professor – head department of basic nursing skills.
  • From 2007 science lecturer – head department of basic nursing skills
  • From (2002 -2004) Staff in ELMEK NIMIR UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL as ward leader nurse in surgery, medicine, and pediatric wards.
  • September 2002 -2007 Teaching Assistant-Department of High Nursing – Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences –Shendi University, teaching the following subjects:
  • Fundamental of nursing.
  • Medicine for nurses.
  • Surgery for nurses.
  • Field and Training work (family nursing).
  • Training at hospital.
  • Participation in seminars of Tropical Diseases.
  • Participate in discussion and evaluation of undergraduate researches .
  • Coordinator of diploma courses ( Nursing diploma ) Shendi University – Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Computer Skills:

 –SPSS for windows.

-Excel, Word, Power Point and access Programs.

Special Skills:-

  • Nursing administrator
  • Course designer of OSCE and problem solving teaching and exam methodology as first nursing group applied in Sudanese’s nursing faculty.
  • Curriculum (designing, updating & revision)
  • Quality management expertise
  • Nursing research expertise
  • Clinical nursing supervisor
  • TOT nursing educator ( staff nursing & clinical instructors )

Membership and experiences:-

  • Application of  OSCE examination module in the faculty of nursing as first Collage in Sudan from 2008.
  • Application of problem based learning program
  • Member in the EDC center of the faculty.
  • Member of the research committee of the faculty.
  • Head department of basic nursing skills
  • Member of the academic council of the university since 2010
  • Master program coordinator 2011-2012 -2013
  • Member of the scientific council of nursing _ medical specialist council science 2015- Sudan
  • General secretary of Sudanese nursing faculties society since  2014
  • Director of quality management and self evaluation – Shendi university since 2015


  • Supervision of undergraduate complementary research ( more than 200 thesis )
  • Supervision of postgraduate complementary research ( more than 20 )thesis )
  • Co- supervisor of PhD nursing student
  • Supervisor of PhD nursing student

Experience (Nursing curriculum):-

  • Revision and updating curriculum of faculty of nursing science ( diploma , undergraduate , and post graduate ) Shendi university
  • Revision and updating curriculum of faculty of nursing science ( diploma , undergraduate) El Emaam ElMahdi university
  • Designing of postgraduate nursing curriculum ( master of Medical Surgical Nursing – Critical Care Nursing ) ELGAZEERA UNIVERSITY

External examiner for undergraduate & post graduate

  • University of ( kassla – Sinaar – ElgadarifELGAZEERA – El Emaam ElMahdi – ELRibat – Karrary – Khartoum – ELZaeem ELAzhaei – EL Neelian – Bule Nile – UMST ) faculties of nursing science.

Journal peer reviewer

  • Journal of Health Science is an international, scholarly peer-reviewed journal (print and online) published monthly by David Publishing Company, USA
  • – Pakistan Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences
  • ARSEAM’ Journal “International Journal of Medical Sciences & Pharmaceutical Research
  • Member of Shendi university journal editorial committee


  • Individual :-
  • Evaluation of preoperative nursing care regarding anesthetic patient –at Shendi teaching hospital-Shendi Town-2002(Under graduate research).
  • A study on The Client knowledge and attitudes about hearing aids at Sudanese Hearing Center 2006- A dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for Master Degree in Nursing Sciences (Medical Surgical Nursing).
  • Application of training program for nurses trainee of diabetic patients about self care practice 2008-2011 A dissertation Submitted in Fulfillment for PhD Degree in Nursing Sciences (Medical Surgical Nursing). ( accepted for oral presentation in December 2014)
  • Evaluation of student concepts regarding OSCE exame – faculty of nursing – shendi university ( accepted for oral presentation in December 2011)
  • Evaluation of  student`s concepts  and  performance between problem  based learning and  traditional lecture 2011( accepted for oral presentation in December 2011)
  • Evaluation the effects of nursing record system on nursing care practice and patient out come in shendi hospitals 2010( accepted for oral presentation in December 2011)
  • Group :-
  1. peri-operative nursing care at surgical ward at ElMek Nimer university hospital 2010. ( accepted for oral presentation in December 2011)
  2. Evaluation of student opinion and concept about clinical area site faculty of nursing Shendi university 2012. ( accepted for oral presentation in December 2011)



            Eltigani MA1, Barri AM2, Khalid Hussein Bakheit3, Haghamad Allzain4, Hijazi     Mohamed Ahmed5, Ibrahim Bakhit6, Rashid Eltayeb7

1, 2, 4, 7Department of biochemistry, 5Department of Nursing, 6Department of histopathology, Faculty of Medicine, Shendi University, Shendi, SUDAN

3Department of biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tabuk, Tabuk, SAUDI.

 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of RESEARCH –GRANTHAALAYAH.  Vol.3(Iss.6):June,2015] ISSN- 2350-0530(O) ISSN- 2394-3629(P)


Dr. Higazi Mohammed Ahmed Abdallah Awad *1

*1 BSc, MSc, Ph D, MSN, Assistant Professor of Medical Surgical Nursing Faculty of Nursing Shendi University. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of RESEARCH –GRANTHAALAYAH.   Vol.3(Iss.7):July,2015] ISSN- 2350-0530(O) ISSN- 2394-3629(P)


  • Evaluation of the concept and opinion of nursing students about clinical practice site

  Unique Journal of Educational Research Vol. 1(3), pp. 038-043, October, 2013 Available online@http://www.uniqueresearchjournals.org/UJER ©2013 Unique Research Journals Unique Journal of Educational Research

Higazi Mohammed AhemdAbdallah Awad 1 *, Ahmed AbdElbagyIbrahem 2 and Mohammed JebraEldar Abu Anja 3 1 Department of Basic Nursing Skills 2 Department of Medical Surgical Nursing 3 Department of Community Nursing

  1. Awareness of Students of Applied Medical Sciences Faculty Regarding Needle Stick and Sharp Injuries (NSSIs). Taif University, Taif, KSA

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438.

 Ahmed A.I. Elryah1, Hanan A. M. yousef2, Khaled A. D. Khader3, Yahia Higazi M.Awad4, Daghass5

1.2.3 Assistant professors, Nursing Department, faculty of Applied Medical Science, Taif University, KSA.

4 Assistant professors, of Medical-Surgical Nursing, faculty of nursing, Shendi University

5 Nursing students, faculty of Applied Medical Science -Taif University

  1. Incidences of Low Back Pain Among Nurses Working  in Elmak Nimer University Hospital – Shendi – Sudan 2015

Muaadh Abdulghani Ghaithan Al-samawi1, Higazi Mohammed Ahmed Abdallah Awad2,*

1Shendi University, Sudan.2Faculty of Nursing Science, Shendi University, Sudan

Horizon Research Publishing Corporation –nursing and health Vol.3 No.6: December, 2015] page (129-138).   DOI:10.13189/nh.2015.030601- www.hrpub.org/journals/jour_archive.php?


Yassir Sulieman*1, Azzam Afifi2, Higazi M. Awad3, Theerakamol Pengsakul4

1Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Shendi, SUDAN.2Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Omdurman Islamic University, SUDAN.3Faculty of Nursing Sciences, University of Shendi, SUDAN.4Faculty of Medical Technology, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla 90110, THAILAND

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of RESEARCH –GRANTHAALAYAH- Vol.3 (Iss.10): October, 2015]    ISSN- 2350-0530(O) ISSN- 2394-3629(P) Impact Factor: 2.035 (I2OR) , pp 75-83

7- Evaluation the student`s concepts and performance Between Problem Based Learning and Traditional Lecture Faculty of Nursing Shendi University 2011 Sudan

Dr. Higazi Mohammed Ahmed Abdallah Awad *1

*1 BSc, MSc, Ph D, MSN, Assistant Professor of Medical Surgical Nursing Faculty of Nursing Shendi University. Advance Research Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Discoveries

ISSN CODE : 2456-1045 (Online)(ICV-S. Sc/Impact Value): 3.25-(GIF) Impact Factor : 2.042-Copyright@IJF 2016

Journal Code : ARJMD/SS/V-1.0/I-1/May-2016-website : www.journalresearchijf.com-Received : 25.03.2016-Accepted : 18.04.2016-Date of Publication :31.05.2016-Page: 14-17



Abdal Hafeez Osman Mahmoud*1, Hamed Alzain Hamed Fadl Alseed1, Higazi Mohammed Ahmed AbdallahAwad1, Abeer Hassan Ahmed2 and Gamal Eldin Mohamed Osman Elhussein2

1Facult of Medicine, Shendi University, Shendi, Sudan.2College of Medicine, University of Hail, KSA.


ejpmr, 2016,3(4), 30-35- SJIF Impact Factor 3.628-ISSN 3249-3211

Article Received on 02/02/2016 Article Revised on 23/02/2016 Article Accepted on 14/03/2016

9- Knowledge and concept of leadership among nurses working in Elmek Nimer University Hospital 2012 – Shendi – Sudan

Mohammed Jebreldar Abuanja1,Higazi Mohammed Ahemd 2

1Department of community health nursing,university of Shendi, Sudan.2Department of medical-surgical nursing, university

of Shendi, Sudan

Advance Research Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Discoveries – website : www.journalresearchijf.com

July/Vol.3.0/Issue-I- ISSN NO : 2456-1045

10-A comparison Between Mercury and Digital Thermometer in Accuracyof Reading At The Axilla Site – El Mek Nimer University Hospital –Sudan

Higazi Mohammed Ahemd 1. Mohammed Jebreldar Abuanja2

1Department of medical-surgical nursing, university of Shendi, Sudan, 2Department of community health nursing,university of Shendi, Sudan

Advance Research Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Discoveries – website : www.journalresearchijf.com

July/Vol.3.0/Issue-I- ISSN NO : 2456-1045

11- Impact of stress on nurse’s performance in El Mek Nimer University Hospital

Mohammed Jebreldar Abuanja1,Higazi Mohammed Ahemd 2

1Department of community health nursing,university of Shendi, Sudan.2Department of medical-surgical nursing, university

of Shendi, Sudan

Advance Research Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Discoveries – website : www.journalresearchijf.com

July/Vol.3.0/Issue-I- ISSN NO : 2456-1045

12- Evaluation of barbers knowledge, attitude and practice regarding Blood Transmitted Disease (Hepatitis B and HIV) In Shendi locality at Shendi town (Sudan)

Mohammed Jebreldar Abuanja1,Higazi Mohammed Ahemd 2

1Department of community health nursing,university of Shendi, Sudan.2Department of medical-surgical nursing, university

of Shendi, Sudan

Advance Research Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Discoveries – website : www.journalresearchijf.com

July/Vol.3.0/Issue-I- ISSN NO : 2456-1045



Personal References:.

  • Dr : Hayat Fadllala Mukhtar –Associate Professor – Dean faculty of nursing science  –Karrary University -Khartoum state.

–  Mobile Phone 00249-912156824

  • Dr: Lymia Eltyieb  –Assistant Professor – Faculty of nursing science –Shendi University -River Nile state.

–  Mobile Phone 00249-118629922 

Higazi Mohammed Ahmed Abdallah Awad
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